jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011


Writing is a good way to improve your English. In this post, we are going to see WHY is a good way and HOW we can make better our English level when we write.


Writing is a good way to improve our English for these reasons:

  • Is a possibility to communicate with whatever you want.
  • You do not have the pressure as you can have if you are speaking.
  • Before this lesson, we have already seen how to improve our grammar, so let’s practice it with the writ in
  • You can revise it as many times as you need.
  • You can work with a dictionary, so you can do a good work.
 It is important to say that you DO NOT HAVE ONLY the letters (informal or formal) in order to write, you can send emails, essays and documents for the job. You might need to use writing to communicate with your friends or work, let's see how to improve our writing.
There is an important order that you have to follow:
      1-    WHAT you want to write
      2-    WHERE you want to send your writing
      3-    WHO is going to read it
Why we have to keep in mind these aspects? Principally, because we 
ARE NOT going to write in THE SAME WAY to different people.
Let’s take an example in order to think:
Would you write a formal letter to your best friend?
Would you use jokes or abbreviations to you boss, to your University director 
or a demand for labour?
NO!!!!!!!!!  IT would be a mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to write properly to every situation. And a thing that you never have to do: Don’t make the first thing that you write the only one. I mean, you have to do first a brushing storm of ideas, after you have to do a draft with complete ideas that you want to say. After do that, you might correct the possible mistakes that you did. And the last thing is to rewrite in your computer or at hand what you did.
I put here some links that will aid you to refresh the structure that have to have a letter and an essay.
The last link is a webpage with some practice!

How to write an essay:

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