sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011

I want to present you my blog!

Do a click at this link  and you will see an avatar that will present my blog! Hi!
I hope you like it! 

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011


Hey there people! This is the last advice and I hope that you have learned a lot with the advices and the practicum links. Since now surely you have learned something, or improve your English at

The last advice I give will be on speaking.
What you are going to see is:
  1. Why is speaking important
  2.  How we can practice it
  3. Links that will help us in order to practice it.

Is the faster and the best way for communication act.
First you have to think that speaking is a practice job. The more you practice and listen, you will speak better. But think that the first time that you speak, it wont be as a native English speaker. 
You don’t have to worry if you make mistakes. YOU HAVE TO PUT THIS IN YOUR BRAIN. Don’t surrender! This is the worst. And think, that if you can stay to an English- speaking country it is very probable that you only can communicate by English. But the good part is that if you try to speak their language, they will help you. They will probably be more receptive with you.

Other things that you have to remember is that you have to be spontaneous, you cant have in your brain this: “Ok, if someone ask me X, I will answer B; and if someone ask me Y, I will answer C” NO This is not good. If you do that you will NEVER learn.
If you cannot go to an English country, you can search a partner in Internet. There are people as you that want to learn English.
And as I said at “Writing advice”, you have to adapt your vocabulary to the situation. Is not the same speaking when you are in a congress than speak with your friends.


And remember, if you practice a lot, you will be more satisfied with yourself and you will be so happy!


So far we have guidelines to improve our grammar, our vocabulary, our reading and our writing.

This lesson will discuss "Learning to Listen in English".
Learn to listening in English is basic and really important. If you want to communicate with English speakers, you have to understand them! But don’t worry; we just have to understand the general message. We don’t have to waste time and comprehension trying to understand every single word.
How can I learn to listen?
Well, some things that can help us is to listening the following things (they are plenty useful):
       -       Music.
You can try to do some things: If you go to youtube.com, you can look for an English song with subtitles. In this way, you can accustom your hear to English and expand your vocabulary.
Other way is to go to the following web: http://www.lyricstraining.com/ . In this web you have to search the song that you want. Then, you have to select the level that you have. When you click on play there will appear the music video that you’ve select and then will appear the lyrics with some gaps that you have to fill.
    -       Films and TV Series or TV programs. I recommend you to start with the North American ones. It will be easier for you because sometimes they speak slowly. If you find them so difficult you can put the subtitles in your language.
    -       Master classes of the American. North American Universities are the best of the world. Some of them have videos of their Master Classes on YouTube. For example, YALE university have the transcription and the link to go to see the class at YouTube or you can   listen the class in MP3 format.This link will show you a Music Class 


Writing is a good way to improve your English. In this post, we are going to see WHY is a good way and HOW we can make better our English level when we write.


Writing is a good way to improve our English for these reasons:

  • Is a possibility to communicate with whatever you want.
  • You do not have the pressure as you can have if you are speaking.
  • Before this lesson, we have already seen how to improve our grammar, so let’s practice it with the writ in
  • You can revise it as many times as you need.
  • You can work with a dictionary, so you can do a good work.
 It is important to say that you DO NOT HAVE ONLY the letters (informal or formal) in order to write, you can send emails, essays and documents for the job. You might need to use writing to communicate with your friends or work, let's see how to improve our writing.
There is an important order that you have to follow:
      1-    WHAT you want to write
      2-    WHERE you want to send your writing
      3-    WHO is going to read it
Why we have to keep in mind these aspects? Principally, because we 
ARE NOT going to write in THE SAME WAY to different people.
Let’s take an example in order to think:
Would you write a formal letter to your best friend?
Would you use jokes or abbreviations to you boss, to your University director 
or a demand for labour?
NO!!!!!!!!!  IT would be a mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to write properly to every situation. And a thing that you never have to do: Don’t make the first thing that you write the only one. I mean, you have to do first a brushing storm of ideas, after you have to do a draft with complete ideas that you want to say. After do that, you might correct the possible mistakes that you did. And the last thing is to rewrite in your computer or at hand what you did.
I put here some links that will aid you to refresh the structure that have to have a letter and an essay.
The last link is a webpage with some practice!

How to write an essay:

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011


Now, it’s time to improve and enjoy our reading technique.
But first, we have to make a division between hobby and obligation reads.
The reading what makes pleasure to the reader is the one that we choose. 
So it is important to choose a book or a webpage that goes in the same view with our English level.
We cannot choose a text, a book or a webpage, which is too difficult. 
But why don’t do that? Basically for THREE REASONS:
1-    - We wont understand it.
2-    - We will start looking all the time for every single word.
3-    - It’ll probably become boring.

So, when we have chosen the good book…
We are going to have to put in our mind these 2 basic keys if we want to enjoy and understand our reading.
     1-    we don’t have to be impatient with every word meaning. We have to understand the general message and don’t look at the dictionary every word instead if this word appears constantly.

     2- Every text-situation has their reading strategy. There are three strategies:

When you only want to know the key ideas.
You have to do a sketch of a text, so you only have to agreed with the key ideas.
            WHEN USE SCANNING?
We will use scanning when are going to look in a text some specific idea that we have in our brain.
You have done the purchase on the supermarket and you want to review the prize of one product. So you will scan the ticket until find the wished product.

When you are looking for all information without looking for something specific.
You have to do a scientific project or work about a complex topic, for example about cells. Then you will liik for a book or webpage. You can first skim or scan to make you have a general idea. But in some moment you’ll have to read for detail in order to understand all the things, all the text and do an excellent work.